Opportunities for growth never cease...
Need networking assistance? Want to explore business-to-business relationships? Let RSMG expand your reach. Whether it is interview training and public relations guidance, designing a new logo and crafting a persona or bridging a corporate partnership for the purposes of business goals and expansion opportunities, we specialize in brand foundation and enhancement.
Career Development & Oversight
Choosing a development path in motorsports, navigating the team landscape, and ensuring success can be complex. We work with our clients to develop a plan and stay involved in the process by offering continual guidance and expertise throughout the experience. Our goal is to make sure that our clients are satisfied with their race programs and are in a position to succeed.
Strategic Partnership Development
We are adept at analyzing the sponsorship marketplace to develop long-term B2B relationships. By tapping into partner objectives and strategies we work to align objectives.
Legal Guidance
RSMG supplies guidance with contract negotiation and execution and provides legal review on all agreements, proposal and
Your brand requires both a plan and a team of professionals capable of executing it. RSMG is adept at strategizing around your goals.
Strategy surrounding the promotion of your brand—public relations strategy, social media strategy and brand awareness opportunities—and strategy pertaining to your future—insurance strategy, investment guidance, contract and fee negotiation and endorsement strategy—are constantly at the forefront of our relationships with clients.

Take the first step
Our job is to get up every single day and move your ball a little further down the field, push your brand farther, interact closely with you to guide your path forward. Let's find out if we're the right fit for you!